Monday, May 9, 2011

My First Wine

My first taste of wine came way before I was of the legal United States drinking age. It was when I was thirteen... a little young right? Not the case because I was in Italy in the countryside in an adorable little inn. My family and I were at dinner eating delicious homemade pasta and sauces. Some of the best I have ever had on my trip and in my entire life. Right when we sat down I was given a wine glass and my mom skeptically looked at the waiter, then my father and finally myself. When my father ordered us a few bottles my mother had no intention of letting me drink. The waiter came over and with no hesitation poured all five of us a glass. Let me tell you that I clearly did not look of age. I was thirteen, gangly and clearly a "baby". My mom looked and me and said"you cannot have that" followed by my father saying "of course she can it's part of traveling abroad, when in Siena do as the Sienans do". This was my first experience with wine and it was casual and social and I felt very mature. It was also a time where I realized that the United States has avery different view on drinking than most other countries. Culture is different for every country and when traveling you should immerse yourself and try, at least for a day, to see it from a locals view.

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