Monday, May 9, 2011

Am I ready to go abroad?

Just today I submitted all my paperwork, my passport and basically my soul to the Marist International Program office in order receive my Italian visa. Yup that is right I am taking the plunge and studying abroad. After weighing all my options as to whether I can leave this beautiful campus for a whole semester I decided it needed to (it probably helped that seven of my closest girlfriends are going too). The entire process of going abroad has been to say the least time consuming. All the meetings, paperwork, signatures and there is no telling as to whether I will ever be truly prepared to go. My parents are ready for me to go and think it is the greatest thing a college student can do. I am already nervous about all the packing, living expenses and whether I will be able to balance everything. No matter how many worries I have or actual problems I have when I'm there this will be the most amazing experience I will have in my life. Since I have already been to Italy and to many various countries in my travels I don't think my culture shock will be too sever. Of course there are differences between visiting a place and living in a place. The only think I am sure of is that I will eat and live as if there is no tomorrow! : )

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time in Florence! After living abroad for a semester, it will be interesting to see how you feel upon returning to the US.
